Currently, measles immunization is provided at all the health centres. Is there any child 6m-14yrs in your family who has never vaccinated measles? 1.Yes, 2,No.
Do you know there is a regular routine immunization service provided at all the health facilities for children aged 1 to 6 years? Choose one: 1.Yes, 2.No.
If your child have never been immunized or did not finish his/her immunization, what was your reason. 1.Not aware of immunization 2.Clinic is far 3.Health staff not good 4.Traveled 5.Forgot.
If U get fever and rash, what would U do first? Choose one: 1.No action, 2.Take coconut juice&body bath, 3.Go to clinic, 4. Home isolate&report to nearby clinic.